Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in the workplace
On 11 June 2021, the Department of Employment and Labour published an Amended Consolidated Direction on Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Certain Workplaces (“Directions”). The Directions provide various guidelines to employers pertaining to social distancing, the wearing of cloth masks, COVID-19 symptom screening and the importance of adequate ventilation in the workplace. Most importantly, more...
Is the Covid-19 vaccination compulsory for employees?
According to recent reports in respect of South Africa’s planned national roll-out of the coronavirus (“COVID-19”) vaccine, it was widely anticipated that the country was due to receive its first batch of vaccines during January 2021, with a further, second batch to follow during February 2021. There are several reasons why individuals, specifically employees venturing more...
COVID-19 Update – Alert Level 3 Stays in place (with further restrictions) as we prepare for “the storm”:
His address did not declare an escalation of the alert level currently in place, as widely expected, but rather confirmed that whilst the Alert Level 3 Regulations would, for now, remain in force, that these Regulations would be further limited and refined in certain respects. The increase in the degree of restriction under the Level 3 Regulations was justified by the President as being necessary to curb the impending storm predicted early on by experts advising government
Leases in Lockdown: Are we liable to pay rent?
A legal issue receiving almost constant attention since the lockdown commenced is the liability of commercial tenants for rental of their business premises during the Lockdown (including the more relaxed Alert Levels). There are many factors which have affected our advice, namely the terms of the lease agreement, as well as the nature and operation more...
Airbnb Guests Risk More Than Cabin Fever
Airbnb hosts and guests be warned: changes in the Regulations issued in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 may put a mark on your criminal record. In a nutshell, the Regulations issued by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs expressly prohibit Airbnbs from being open to the more...
Virtual Sports Events
We are slowly emerging from lockdown and the cabin fever is abating. We can leave our homes now, but can only lumber our lonely way about, hoping not to crash into a pole when our glasses fog up from wearing a mask. And we can never, ever, exercise with anyone else. Athletic competition in groups more...
Survival in the time of Covid-19: A basic guide for employers on retrenchment and alternative resolution mechanisms
The rapidly evolving Covid-19 pandemic and the recent declaration by the President of the Republic of South Africa that a nationwide lockdown will be imposed for a period of 21 days to commence at midnight on 26 March 2020, will have severe and far-reaching implications for South African employers, especially those classed as small to more...
Working from Home – Some Legal Concerns
During the current COVID-19 crisis, many employers will have chosen to allow their employees to work from home. While most employers already have a communications policy that regulates how employees use communications infrastructure in the workplace, it is important to bear a few points in mind when many or most employees are working remotely.
Covid-19: Health and safety in the workplace
The Occupational Health and Safety Act, No. 85 of 1993 (“the Act”) aims to ensure the wellbeing, health and safety of employees in the workplace. In light of the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important to consider the effects the spread of the virus may have on the South African employer and specifically more...