
The lockdown is unconstitutional – De Beer and Others v Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

3rd June 2020|Articles, Litigation, Regulatory Law|

The lockdown is unconstitutional! The North Gauteng High Court’s decision in De Beer and Others v Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (21542/2020). this means that for the next 14 business days, South Africans will continue to live under the regulations of Alert Level 3. Before the expiry of those 14 days, the Minister must republish regulations which give due consideration to the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

Notice by SMS: the Law.

26th April 2016|Articles, Consumer Law, ICT Law|

We have all received SMSes from businesses offering their services to us. Often when these messages are unsolicited we consider them to be spam and block the number, or even complain to WASPA or perhaps the DMASA about them. But if we are in a commercial relationship with one of these businesses, can they use


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