COVID-19 Update – Alert Level 3 Stays in place (with further restrictions) as we prepare for “the storm”:
His address did not declare an escalation of the alert level currently in place, as widely expected, but rather confirmed that whilst the Alert Level 3 Regulations would, for now, remain in force, that these Regulations would be further limited and refined in certain respects. The increase in the degree of restriction under the Level 3 Regulations was justified by the President as being necessary to curb the impending storm predicted early on by experts advising government
The ‘Lockdown’ on Contracts
The nationwide lockdown and regulations issued in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act (“the Lockdown” and “the Regulations”) has resulted in a sudden and rapid release of legal articles setting out and explaining Lockdown’s impacts on a wide array of contracts. Over this period, we’ve found our clients asking similar questions and more...
The lockdown is unconstitutional – De Beer and Others v Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
The lockdown is unconstitutional! The North Gauteng High Court’s decision in De Beer and Others v Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (21542/2020). this means that for the next 14 business days, South Africans will continue to live under the regulations of Alert Level 3. Before the expiry of those 14 days, the Minister must republish regulations which give due consideration to the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
Virtual Sports Events
We are slowly emerging from lockdown and the cabin fever is abating. We can leave our homes now, but can only lumber our lonely way about, hoping not to crash into a pole when our glasses fog up from wearing a mask. And we can never, ever, exercise with anyone else. Athletic competition in groups more...
Lockdown Conveyancing update:
Status update on Master's Office and deed's office - lockdown conveynacing.
The Fortnight Ahead: Amendments to the Lockdown Regulations following its Extension:
Following the declaration by President on 15 April 2020 that the national lockdown will be extended by two weeks, various amendments to the existing lockdown Regulations were published on 16 April 2020 (“the Amendments”). These amendments will govern private and commercial transactions and restrictions until the lockdown is lifted, which for now is set as being on 01 May 2020. This article will briefly discuss the most relevant of these amendments and their impact.
Newsflash: Commercial Property Sector Unites Behind Rental Relief Measures for Retail Tenants
The Property Industry Group (PIG) give some relief to tenants who can accept their landlord’s offer to provide for any of the relief. It should also be noted that any acceptance of a landlord’s offer for a remission of rental, in accordance with the PIG’s relief package, should be considered against whether or not a landlord is entitled to rental at all. Tenants are not bound to accept these terms; however, once an election has been made, such decision is final, and any rights waived can likely not be revisited. We would therefore urge tenants to take proper advice, and to consider the full extent of their rights before accepting any such offers from landlords.
COVID-19: Property transactions, the Deed’s Office and the Master’s Office during lockdown
Previous articles have been published by us advising on the impact of COVID-19 and the national lockdown on our daily lives, including that on business and legal practitioners. This article focuses on how the lockdown will affect property transactions as well as the administration of estates.
COVID-19: Law in a time of lockdown
As with all businesses, legal practitioners have been profoundly affected by the declaration of the COVID-19 National Disaster and the subsequent lockdown period. While we continue to provide advice, consulting and commercial services, the directives issued will have an effect on some litigious matters and the way matters are handled in court. On 17 and more...