Listen to our insightful legal podcasts delivered to you by our own DML people, about current issues and legal perspectives. Our focus is on our clients and we take pride in supporting your legal needs efficiently and thoroughly.
Episode: The do’s and don’ts of the law in general.
DML talks to Suzaan Steyn about the do’s and don’ts when you want to obtain legal assistance and she gives helpful tips on how you can save some money in the process. Also in the program, a consumer specialist looks at the newest consumer trends and what it means.
Category : Legal Wiser
Episode: Why it is important to always have written agreements in place.
DML talks to Suzaan Steyn about why it is important to always have written agreements in place when doing business, even if it is with a friend or family. They also discuss the risks involved with verbal agreements and how to avoid disputes that may arise later. Also in the program, a discussion on financial statements and budgets in the sixth and final instalment of the financial literacy series.
Category : Commercial Law
Episode: Legal consequences and effects of spreading false information, defamation and hate speech on social media.
DML talks to Lungelo Nzama about the legal consequences of spreading false information on social media, how to spot false information and general real life consequences of defamation and hate speech on social media.
Category : Social Media Law
Episode: Why you should stay away from defamation and hate speech on social media – the consequences and costs.
DML talks to Suzaan Steyn about the tremendous costs and consequences you can face if you commit defamation or hate speech on social media. Also in the program, everything you need to know about all risk insurance; as well as the facts about a power of attorney that expires when you are no longer able to make your own decisions.
Category : Social Media Law
Episode: Social Media and Job Searching
DML talks to Suzaan Steyn about how teenagers and young people can manage their social media platforms to make sure it does not count against them when applying for their dream job and what the legal risks of social media usage are. Also in the program, a discussion on what to do if you realise by mid-October that you have not saved enough money for the December holiday and Christmas.
Category : Social Media Law
Episode: How to resolve cybersquatting
DML talks to Suzaan Steyn about cybersquatting or passing off domain names and how to resolve it. Also in the program, an investment specialist discusses offshore investments and a debt councillor warns against using debt to pay for every day expenses.
Category : Information, Communication and Technology Law
Episode: What can a consumer do about unsolicited emails and messages?
DML talks to Suzaan Steyn about how consumers can get rid of unsolicited emails, messages and telephone calls. Also in the program, a look at the saving habits of so-called “secret millionaires”.
Category : Information, Communication and Technology Law
Episode: City of Cape Town prevented from confiscating personal belongings of the homeless.
City of Cape Town prevented from confiscating personal belongings of the homeless.
Category : Litigation
Episode: Caring for the homeless
Interview on Cape Talk. DML chats about assisting homeless people being fined by the City of Cape Town as a result of the cities inhumane vagrancy or nuisance by-laws.
Category : Litigation
Episode: The benefits of registering property (and other assets) in a trust and how to go about it.
DML talks to Suzaan Steyn about the benefits of registering property and other assets in a trust, and how to go about it the right way. Also in the program, the first of four retirement planning talks deals with “Planning for retirement.”
Category : Wills, trust and estate law
Episode: Trade mark, copyright, patents – basic differences and how to protect your intellectual property rights
DML talks to Suzaan Steyn about what exactly trade mark, patents and copyright entail, and why business owners need to take note of them. Also in the program, the second of four retirement planning talks deals with “Planning for retirement.”
Category : Intellectual Property Law
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