The big question: Discounting Transaction or Incidental Credit?
A question often asked, and understandably so, is what is the difference between a discounting transaction and an incidental credit transaction? On first glance at the definitions in the National Credit Act, 2005 (the “NCA”) they seem almost identical, but one needs to look at the nature of the transaction to differentiate between the two.
Is your company a supplier of goods or services?
Is your company a supplier of goods or services? If so, there are many legal and important commercial aspects to consider when you embark on the process of becoming either the original manufacturer of goods, a link in the supply chain, or the final provider of goods or services to consumers. The Consumer Protection Act more...
Consumer Protection Act (PDF – 251kb)
Click here to download the Consumer Protection Act (PDF - 251kb)
Consumer Protection Act : Regulations (PDF – 3014kb)
Consumer Protection Act : Regulations
Electronic Communications & Transactions Act ( PDF – 2590kb)
Click here to download the Electronic Communications & Transactions Act ( PDF - 2590kb)
National Consumer Commission Enforcement Guidelines – Final Draft 20/07/2011 (PDF -1027kb)
National Consumer Commission Enforcement Guidelines – Final Draft 20/07/2011