Converting a Close Corporation to a Company in South Africa
Converting a Close Corporation (“CC”) to a Company is a common business transition in South Africa and involves a change in the structure and legal status of the business. There are advantages to this. This is a short guide to help you navigate the process smoothly.
Greylisting or Grey Hairs : new company disclosure requirements deadline 1 October 2023
Analysing the new disclosure requirements in the General Laws Amendment Act, 2022 In response to the greylisting by the Financial Action Task Force, the President has signed into law the General Laws (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing) Amendment Act to improve SA’s ability to combat money laundering and terrorist financing The Amendment Act has more...
More transparency or more trouble? A look at the Companies Amendment Bill, 2021
If passed, the Companies Amendment Bill will be the first substantive amendment to the Companies Act since it came into force in 2011. The Bill includes a contentious requirement for large companies to disclose their executive remuneration policy to the shareholders for approval including a ratio comparing the compensation of the highest-earning employees with that more...