
The Ban of TikTok: The US is worried, should you be?

4th April 2023|ICT Law, Social Media law|

From 2020, TikTok has become a global social media sensation. TikTok is an app where users share short form videos of them dancing, singing, vlogging, and participating in challenges etc. However, recently, the United States, Europe, and Canada have named this app as a threat to their national security and are making efforts to ban


Cybercrimes Act

10th June 2021|ICT Law, Social Media law|

After an extended period in Parliament, the Cybercrimes Act has finally been signed into law by the President. The purpose of the Act is to bring South Africa into line with international jurisprudence on the detection and prosecution of crimes which are either specific to computers, or which are perpetrated using computers. This is a


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