
Deceased Estates, the necessity of having a valid will and of course the age old dilemma – “to wed or not to wed…. that is the question”

9th November 2020|Matrimonial, Trusts Law|

With a lack of knowledge of South African law, one could be left with the popular misconception that common law marriages exist and become applicable when living with your partner in a permanent relationship. In the past, if you merely lived as husband and wife, but did not actually get married, you were not protected


Where there is a will there is a way…

20th April 2018|Conveyancing|

Drawing up your own will: is professional assistance really necessary?  Many people decide to draft their own wills to save costs. However, there are legal requirements which must be complied with for a will to be valid. Often these are not known to the lay person resulting in an invalid will when it is lodged


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