PAIA Manual – Do you have one, is it up to date and ready for inspection?

23rd November 2023|Privacy Law, Regulatory Law|

If you do have an existing PAIA Manual, ensure you merge the mandatory forms to your Manual. The forms can be downloaded on the Information Regulator’s website. Very important to remember - it is a criminal offence not to have a PAIA Manual if you are required to do so, and your entity may face fines for non-compliance. Should you not have a PAIA Manual, or if your PAIA Manual has not been updated in terms of the provisions of POPIA or with the mandatory PAIA forms, contact us to assist you.

A boon for privacy and a blow for justice: What you need to know about the new Vodacom judgment

15th June 2023|ICT Law, Litigation|

In April 2023, the Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) handed down judgment in the case of Giftwrap Trading (Pty) Ltd v Vodacom (Pty) Ltd and Others[1] (“Vodacom”). The case set a consequential precedent for data privacy law but may also have the effect of stifling the ability of potential litigants to obtain information from internet


The Ban of TikTok: The US is worried, should you be?

4th April 2023|ICT Law, Social Media law|

From 2020, TikTok has become a global social media sensation. TikTok is an app where users share short form videos of them dancing, singing, vlogging, and participating in challenges etc. However, recently, the United States, Europe, and Canada have named this app as a threat to their national security and are making efforts to ban


PAIA Manuals – Time is Running Out

12th November 2020|ICT Law, Privacy Law|

It has sneaked up on us, but it looks like the long-delayed PAIA manuals must finally be compiled. POPIA is also clamouring to be included in the manuals. End of Exemption from Compiling a PAIA Manual The Promotion of Access to Information Act No. 2 of 2000, better known as PAIA, commenced in March 2001.


Doxing and social media vigilantism

3rd November 2020|ICT Law, Social Media law|

Our reliance on technology, and social media to a degree, has led to a rise in cyberbullying trends such as doxing and stalking. As great as technology is, it unfortunately also provides people with an instant, viral and anonymous way to inflict harm more easily on others. The phenomenon of doxing can be seen every


Commencement of POPI

22nd June 2020|ICT Law, Privacy Law|

1st of July 2020 is the date of commencement of the bulk of the remaining sections of POPU. Anyone processing personal information in South Africa will have one year in which to become compliant with the Act.

Virtual Sports Events

2nd June 2020|Health & Safety Law, ICT Law|

We are slowly emerging from lockdown and the cabin fever is abating. We can leave our homes now, but can only lumber our lonely way about, hoping not to crash into a pole when our glasses fog up from wearing a mask. And we can never, ever, exercise with anyone else. Athletic competition in groups


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